The Rotenfels near Bad Münster am Stein is the highest sheer rock face north of the Alps and south of Scandinavia, at a height of approximately 200 m and width of 1200 m. It is home to various rare species of animals and plants. In July 2021, Marie and I spent some time hiking in the area – very scenic!
The pictures in this album have been taken mostly with the m.Zuiko 12-100mm/4.0 IS PRO and the m.Zuiko 100-400mm/5.0-6.3 on the E-M5 II, plus the m.Zuiko 17mm/1.8 on the PEN-F. Especially the long tele zoom is nice for plants and insects. We did manage to see a few of the scarce swallowtails (Iphiclides podalirius) which the area is famous for, but – hyperactive little beasts that they are – they turned out to be impossible to photograph. Fortunately some other butterflies and bumble bees were more obliging.
Click on any picture for an enlarged view.